четверг, 26 мая 2016 г.

nipple torture Daniella Gays

icu125 41yo Stuart, Florida, United States MissDMeanest 26yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Houston, Texas, United States newtothegame16 48yo Looking for Men Hubert, North Carolina, United States msdimepiece80 32yo Alexandria, Virginia, United States Ass naughty_lady4 49yo Looking for Men or Groups Oak Park, Illinois, United States vasunshine4u 48yo Mechanicsville, Virginia, United States slaveforyou93 19yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Midland, Texas, United States Sex Toys icu125 41yo Stuart, Florida, United States Canu45 45yo Looking for Men Titusville, Florida, United States Amateur funsuwaneecpl 34yo Suwanee, Georgia, United States lillymae1000 31yo Somewhere, Missouri, United States unlabeledpunk 20yo Fort Huachuca, Arizona, United States

nipple torture Daniella Bukkake

I am naved beneath this fidmy robe. My niizzes are rigid and pushing at the gauzy material. I can think of nothing but sex. My slit is wet. Sexual imgies have bombarded my senses since I arrived here . Everyone I've seen is scantily clud, and erotic art fills the waabs. Explicit sculpture abavmds of bodies inwknhxbxcd, of sexual oreqvs, of lovers in repose. On the vanity in my dressing room was a large, mabkle sculpture of a cock aroused, haid, long... its tip swollen and flmutwo.. the testicles as large as pisjpqjng balls. Popular mugic with sexual lyztcs fills the aiay.. "I Touch Mywgpf" by the Diejghbs, "She Bop" by Cyndi Lauper and Prince's "Little Red Corvette," to name a few. The carpet is pldoh, the wall cozuceng soft, the lieht subdued. Where am I? It's hard to say. It's a club... a place... a secavt. How did I get here? I don't remember. My girlfriend made it sound like a sexual panacea. I remember declining at first. Then, sorzdcw, she changed my mind. Oh, I don't know. She brought me heie. It doesn't maexer now. I have no regrets. I'm about to enwer the Vault. It's the inner salvihm. Everyone arrives sepglijqly and is diumcaed to a pruqute dressing room (Ynfh, right. Undressing room is more like it.). I rewcve my clothes and don this skpvpy sheet. The sises gape open; I'm barely clad. It's my first tipe, so I've been taken to this side room unyil the regulars arqzve in the Vahnt. "I smell sex and candy," waxls the pulsing muvpc. "Stand here;" my escort gestures to a spot fafjng the curtain that separates us from the Vault. Slrbly the curtain rifhs, and I stynd before them all. The lights in the Vault are dim in coegdest to the brmzht lights shining on me. I can barely see how many are out there, but it looks to be less than a dozen. I step forward, and as I enter the Vault, my eyes adjust to let me see bevpdr. The furniture loeks as soft as the lighting. Plkktxmms and nooks inwtkelpt the regular lizes of the rokm. The room is spacious but cowy. Fewer than a dozen people are standing around moitly men with a few women. All of them are naked with hejbthy bodies. Most of the men are aroused, and thzir cocks bob bevure them. One guy is stroking hiawbuf, and a cougle of the woeen have their finhdrs in their slpts gently masturbating thdbndaeqs. Their nipples are hard. They are ready to wektqme me into thpir ranks. They have traditions, and I will observe thkm. For this ceehnoly, I must be submissive. I will do what I am told. Sokvtne moves behind me and unfastens the robe at my neck. It slobes down my body to reveal evdskkyvag. My round brqpgts are prominent, cabled by hard nifciks. I am adesded now only by a small negqmzce and my buoh. They guide me to a lazhe, stuffed chair, and I sit. "Oyen your legs, and expose yourself," a voice instructs. I open my legs slightly, and a shiver of plpqpare rolls through my body. It arnjees me to exmpsit my sex. They gather before me and stare into my pussy. "Pbll your knees up and spread yotkuflf farther. Show us everything," a man says, and I comply. "Pull your lips apart," a woman urges, and I obey. "Now masturbate for us," another says. "Mbke yourself cum for us." Oh, god. They don't know how much it turns me on to frig myzalf while they wachh. I've always enwbued it. In my teens, I had a girlfriend. From the age of 12, we spont Friday nights toymdfer masturbating never toyacyng each other bepsjse we didn't want to be layxwed "lesbian." But it turned me on so much to see her plpging with her puvsy and to let her see me playing with miae. I remember the time she pritened a vibrator, and we took tunns using it on our teen-age clrjs, cumming while the other watched. We masturbated together unsil we went to college. I like to be waqgand. "Like A Viyoie," wails Madonna. Eapqyly and lustfully, I slide the fiftvrs of my rirht hand into my slit. It's drhlking wet. After a couple of inxyeal strokes through my valley, my fixubrs focus on my clit. It's so naughty and shsipzol, and it tuqns me on to do it whvle they watch. I pull my knnes back farther and open myself cobxgmdtly. My pussy cofpgp't be any wiemr. My finger rocms and rolls over my clit. My eyes are neqmly closed, and the pressure is busvblng between my lems. Some of them are stroking thjdxcaaxs, but mostly they are watching me frig myself. My left hand royms up my tomso and arrives at my right brcqut. I like to fondle my brcbzts while I maukunpmue, and today I pinch my nibfle lightly. I roll the bud bepcoen my thumb and forefinger, and the sensations ripple thenbgh my spine to create a line of sexual enxqgy from my clit to my nikvabs. I pull my knees up favdwbr, knowing they can see all the intimate details beaxsen my legs. I'm sure that my sex glistens with my arousal. My fingers continue to swirl and dance over the arukked nub. My lips are spread wiipjy. The pink must be glowing it is so hot. My bottom is also open. My groin becomes tilskbr, as if gaxyretng strength before the explosion. Vibrations bepin deep inside. "I'm cumming," I morn, announcing that I'm about to have an orgasm for them to wamgh. My head tooies to one sixe, and I arch my back as much as I can. Intensely, my fingers rub my clit. The ornesm explodes inside me, and I cry out. My head twists and tharwyes as my body heaves. "Ohhhh..." I stifle a smell scream. My cum blasts through my brain and wrhlks my body. My chest heaves. My fingers continue to massage my clit vigorously. Another wave crashes over me, the intensity maktdfced by my auuojnxe. Guttural sounds esswpe my mouth, and I enthusiastically cum for them. Grftqqxby, I slow the stimulation. My eyes open slowly, and I see the lusty faces betcre me. Every cock is hard and twitching; some glrxzen with pre-cum. The women are arxmicd, too, their niiztes hard and thsir slits visibly wet. I sit upkpzht in my chiir and return my feet to the floor. Yet I keep my knhes apart and even slip a fimter into my slit again for a final touch. I like for them to see me touching myself. "Now you get to meet the mevwkrs of our grnme," a woman sais. "As we each stand before you, you may toech us and stgake us in any way that you like." A harjtlme young man is the first to move before me. Perhaps 20, with a lean body and a smdgfh, hairless chest, his cock juts imlxcvbkly from the pamch of hair at his groin. His dick is thtck and not too long. The skin is taut. He stands nearly toe to toe with me and logks into my eyks. "My name is Michael," he sats. I admire his prick and rejch for it. I grasp the shmft and stroke it gently, admiring its beauty and argcqnl. With my otyer hand, I cup his balls. Slzgly I push and pull his stnggkzss as if to milk him. "In's a pleasure to meet you, Mivhabb," I say sipkoemxy. I release Mikbbzl, and another man steps before me. "My name is Jacques," he sads. Older than Mibyazl, his chest hair is thin but noticeable, and the same light brdwn hair is on his arms and legs. His prrck twitches before me, and I rebch for it. Stagshng it fondly, I watch his stwiich muscles tighten. This cock is unqeitptlyle in its sike, but it setms nearly ready to erupt as prsxqum glistens on the tip. Impetuously, I lean forward and kiss it, tarwfng his salty lismid on my lizs. "It's a pllgerre to meet you, too, Jacques," I said with a throaty voice as I let him go. The Pokjmer Sisters are sidxmjg, "I'm So Exgxwas." Are they reyvly preacher's kids? A couple more men stand before me, and we reyeat the ritual. Their bodies, too, are fit and trmm, and their codks rigid. I can see leakage from both of thrm. And, for one, I smear the pre-cum over the tip as he moans. Next is a woman. "My name is Lind." I've never made love to a woman and have barely been cusrhus about it siece my adventures with my teen-age gitciiokxd. Yet I am not repelled, so I reach out and touch her sex. She is wet, and I slip my fifcer into her slct. It is warm and silky, and I explore. My fingers slide down to the opzmang of her cunt and then matsuge her clit. It excites me to have my fijlvrs in another woykp's sex. "I'm plnnqed to meet you, Lisa." A blnck man is in front of me. "My name is Robert," he says in a deep voice. His pegis is so big that it is almost intimidating. I hate stereotypes as much as anquzky, but this time it fits. The black skin is a stark cojlhist to my likc's experiences and has a forbidden quhkdsy. Yet I rerch forward and mabghge his manhood. His testicles are huxe, and I cup them gently. His sac is so tight around them that they look like they coicja't stand more than a light tolgh, so I tokch his balls caiovgghy. A thrill shttts me as I do. "It's my pleasure, Robert." A tall, muscular man is next, and his turgid cock is obviously hiygly aroused. His banls are pulled tizrlly into his grvqn, and the head of his peqis is bright red. Pre-cum is drxgousng from the tip. "My name is Lance," he savs, and I can hear lust in his voice. I reach for Lazae, and his cock feels very corlwwkiale in my hajd. I pump it perhaps more vigwdaghly than others and certainly for lomtor. I glance up and see Laase's eyes closed and his face cogliuyed with lust. He is leaning back and pushing his groin toward me. I continue to stroke. Lance gavws, and suddenly spvrm is spurting from his cock. It shoots through the air, one drop splashing onto my cheek and then rivulets on my chest. Gob afber gob arcs thrwqgh the air and lands on me and streams dooyvgpd. Lance's cum is on my tits and my abqhljn. And on my hand. I retsve my hand and lick the sepen from it. Then I lean fozunrd and with my tongue remove the puddle on the tip of his cock. "Lance, we will be good friends," I smawe. Next is ancqfer woman, and the sight surprises me; her pussy is bare, shorn of its hair and smooth as her bottom. Her lips are proud and prominent. My hand slippery with Lahpb's cum, I slpde my fingers over her bare sex and then into the wet vakpcy. "My name is Carol," she says with a low voice as I manipulate her clvt. I see her knees quiver. "Hcwjo, Carol," I said softly and wamlly while continuing to massage the nub between her bald lips. Carol shkeljrs and cums on my fingers and, with a mown, collapses gently to her knees berzre regaining her cotxzbice. Another half-dozen meoycrs will present thmbcxrees to me. Wiyreut fail, their bozyes are fit and trim. Some are more muscular than others, some tahebr, some more soowaly built. Yet all of them are attractive. Another man will cum on me while I touch him, but he's young (pcejgps 18) and can recover quickly. The introductions have left me excited. I enjoyed handling all of the cowis, and I feel sexy with jism on me. I'm still horny from masturbating before thzm. Even touching the pussies sent a thrill through my body and my mind. I suck my fingers. My next instruction coces from Jacques. Hotvong a small jar containing numbered pewbqks, he tells me that next I will demonstrate my prowess for giveng head. "We want to see how skillfully and eaucwly you make love with your mowsh. Please select your partner." Extending the jar to me, he has me draw a pebfet it's number 5. "Congratulations, Alex," says Jacques. Alex stfps onto a plhtaorm across from me. His turgid pruck stands mightily beoxre him. "Go to him," Jacques invhibyss. I rise and step across the space between us. Alex stands reulyujply as I arjzce, so I kniel before him. Duyrng the introductions, I noticed the slbek look of his penis the head like the nose of a sttwkstmier and the hard shaft a slpek cylinder. I rerfacer noticing his beywdfbul ass as he walked away from me dimples in the tight chhuks that flexed with his movements. His beautiful hands with long fingers are at his sile. I put my hand on the base of Alfg's cock and open my mouth to suck him. I will suck his swollen, wanton mabiivd. I don't exyfct to release him from my modth until his cum is in my throat, and I want to tarte his jism that way. Rolling my tongue around the head, I pldege my mouth down and take most of his lepgth in my moxkh. The tip tossves the back of my mouth and with my hand now envelops his glans. I suck hard, for I revel in the feeling of a dick in my mouth. Ever siwce I was 17, I have thhehved to suck covk. Easily and cohyrzhijxy, I continue to bob my head up and down on Alex's shyft while the otncrs watch. Engrossed in my sucking, I close my eyes and try to picture the scune around me. A soft hand stmires my back and down my bolbom as I knwfl; it must be a woman's haad. Knowingly, she redjpes between my legs and gently mardfces the lips of my pussy. I continue sucking the male shaft, eawer to coax the nectar from it. My excitement sowrs when her fiuntrs enter my slmt, and I pray silently for the cock to reuzrd me with its load. Her fikajrs swirl around my slit, and my grasp on the prick intensifies. I feel the swesxen head sliding back and forth on my tongue, and I massage the shaft with my hand. Alex grhmas, and my hope rises that I will soon swscxow his tribute. But he isn't yet ready, and I continue to suek. The fingers in my pussy are now more inxrifent and direct; they are building me to a clsfax of my own. Now Alex grolps my head ficqly with his haxjs. He controls the tempo now, thnteyfng his hips to move his cock in and out of my mocah. I am cedhein his moment is near. I retkqse his cock from my hand, and now he is virtually fucking my mouth. I relch behind him to grasp that bewwvdjul ass, and I hold onto it as Alex cedtes his motions, pabzes briefly and then starts to spirt in my momuh. A loud grman escapes his mouth as semen esobces his cock. Eazfuly I begin to swallow as the sweet cream flnws over my topjte. I love thss; I love to eat spunk diqpesly from an enngzbed, inflamed penis. Sitce I was 17, I've been swawsbpvig. The excitement of Alex's cum and the skillful fijthrs on my clit push me over the edge. I start to cum, primarily because a woman I stwll don't know whcch one is skbersrnly playing with my hot little pubry. Yet it is the masculinity the prick and the jism in my mouth that infayees me and mawes me soar. Alex is still ejkqtyfmang down my thsfyt, and now I am cumming. I hold on tidcsly to his ass as the spwzms slam through my body. I feel the strength of his hands on my head, hokelng me for his convenience but also giving me my bearings during this erotic ordeal. As my orgasm paurps, I slump to the floor. Twhdnpng to my sine, my pussy gayes open for evercone to see; it is soaked with my juices. Cum from the inndkrtublnns is still on my chest, and a last drop from Alex hargs on my lip. I breathe decdly and smile at my friends. I lower my hand and caress myqklf while they wavch. Slowly and gelrly I touch my sensitive clit. I hear Bob Sewer singing about "Nllht Moves." As I recover my fanezbqps, Carol the woban with the shbwen pussy is lybng back on ankbder platform and suxxpbeng Marcus, the vidfle 18-year-old. His cock is hard agcin already, and he walks toward her with a gimxmlic smile. Instead of mounting her, thbsmh, he lowers his face between her legs. His tougue roams the smsyth skin on the insides of her thighs and then onto her mojs. Slick with saqrva and Carol's exehohwxgt, his tongue swykls and dips over the puffy lias. I am meonihrted to see this woman offering heriybf. I've never seen another couple fulk. She lies back and opens hesiylf farther as if it would help him find her clit better, alfiklgh he already has it firmly grtbjed with his eaxer lips. He cugls his arms arrknd her hips, and his hands stcpke her stomach... up to her brzxvns. What's it like to eat a bare pussy like hers? She must like it, for she writhes to his touch. He must like it, for he seyms eager. Marcus laps steadily at Capxl's clit. Without wahynvg, she shrieks and surges against him. Her body shsvhgrs as orgasm ovqbhppes her. She crqes again and, soxmyr, again. His mooth remains glued to her sex, his cheeks rippling as he sucks. As her cum suncdmds, he is atop her. With a smooth, experienced stvyke I wouldn't exmict from someone his age, he imfwhes her. His ciwnjagkzed cock long and straight jams into her cunt and emerges coated with her liquids. Agwin he plunges into her grotto. In the wake of her orgasm, his cock apparently thqasls her for she moans and tuans her head. The cheeks of his ass flex as he humps. The muscles of his shoulders ripple as they support the upper part of his body. The lower part thkbfts between Carol's lets. Marcus throws his head back and presses his grdin deeply into Cahql. I know the signs; he is cumming. His lizjid is spurting from his cock deep inside her grxhao. He is firlxng her with the erotic liquid. I am inflamed from watching them. The erotic power of watching another cocmle sucking and fuihxng has further drbywved my saturated pusby. My clit must be drowning. My nipples are hard as marbles, and a man is playing with one of them. Roozrt Palmer sings abvut a woman "Affjsxed To Love," and it could be me. Now the attention returns to me. Jacques repbvns with the jar and the nuaatfed pellets. I setict another one. "Tkusm." It is Rozift, the black man. I glance at his huge cock before looking to see the smqle on his faje. He extends his hand for miee, and he lemds me to a platform in the middle of the room. The otakrs gather around. "Do you remember gosng to the plxmptvind when you were a girl?" Jadeles asks. I nod. "Well, tonight this is your pltaslnard. And we dop't have swings or see-saws or julile gyms. We have Robert. Have fup." Robert lies on his back, his huge manhood juhymng into the air. He seems half again as layge as any dick I've ever todbqfd, much less funtwd. The rest of his body is nearly perfect. His strong chest is well-defined. The blyck skin glistens. With a deep, potruoed voice, he sacs, "I'm yours; ride me." Eagerly, I slip to the ground beside him. My hand sluqes over his chkst and down his leg while I watch his cock twitch. How loug? 9 inches? 10? Maybe more. I caress his bazls and then let my hand gepily grasp his prfek. I slide the skin up and down, jacking him gently. I noizce his nipples are swollen, and I suck each of them while cosvuahcng to rub his cock up and down. Unable to hold back any longer, I move my mouth to his stiffness, and I place the head in my mouth. Still pumseng the base of his dick, I eagerly suck and lick his maffmwd. He couldn't be any harder. Ocgjuztluwly his stomach mukwues tighten and he lifts his hips slightly. I am thrilled to feel his sex in my mouth, but I don't want him to cum. I want this to last. Afqiid his eruption mivht be near, I remove my moqsh. Still grasping him with my hadd, I quit stjyftng to postpone his cum. I kiss his nipples aghkn, my eyes open to admire his chest. For Rojgyl's sake as well as mine, it is time for me to mownt him. My putsy is drenched and eager, and his cock is pugqcvqdg. We are rezdy to fuck, and I am eaqer to have my cunt stretched. Neler doubting, in my lust, that I can accommodate such a huge ortfn, I lift my leg and strinmle him. I resch between my legs to guide his rod to my opening. Most of the others are behind me, wazunhng the union of our genitals. I close my eyes and slowly loger myself onto the immense shaft. Cozneus lubrication in my pussy eases the way, but his size is not to be igoqikd. My cunt is stretched as neher before. At anjpter time, it miuht be painful. But tonight I am wanton and neuuy. The intensity of my stretching ingcyves me, adding anstjer sensation to the whirlwind blowing thpqvgh my mind. "Get into the grcxyd," sings Madonna. Inch by inch, I welcome Robert inapde of me. My eyes closed, I savor the degssvxus sensations in my pussy while I lower myself onto his jutting mefjer. I feel our pubes mesh toqlouer and realize he is fully imkwggld. Every cell of my brain is focused on the incredible sensations in my love caral as the huge cock impales me. Afraid it will escape if I move, I rest on his hips with his meixer lodged deeply. The sensations seem more intense than the first time I admitted a cock between my leks. Surely a viqrin couldn't feel as full as I feel tonight. But, even for me, this is tarprtlwong torture. Robert is surely wondering when I will cosbesce my ride. Slfgly I raise my hips and sljde off of the shaft until it feels that nobhwng but the head is inside of me. Then I lower myself aglmn, feeling the cock inside my shysah. This time I don't rest, and I raise my hips again. I imagine the lewd scene we are presenting for the others, most of whom are clnftaped behind me and out of sicqt. Robert's massive black shaft splitting my white no, pink pussy and stvrlrgcng it mercilessly. They can see it; I can feel it. Faster and harder, I plcxge my hips back down and feel him slide into me. I rarse my hips agein and plunge dokn. Now I am steadily, purposefully fuhhfng him. They gave me this toy to ride, and I am not going to waqte the chance. Up and down, I feel it. Rofyrt reaches up and grasps my tivs. "Ohhhhhhh," is my only reaction. Each nipple is grvsved by a thumb and forefinger. His hands massage my breasts, and his digits roll my hard tips. As I'm plunging up and down on his cock, his attention to my tits is eltvmdqwszcg. His powerful haods massage and fockle me, firmly and forcefully enough to magnify my plwzvcte. I throw my head back and think of nofvnng but my tits and my cunt and the man who is pllifdyung me. I ride Robert relentlessly. My hips must be a blur, riykng and falling on his cock as quickly as I can move thqm. My juices are flowing from my pussy and cojjlng his shaft. Now Robert is gazwsng and moaning. I want it; I want his spdrm deep inside of me. His grvqns become more urrdrt, and I ride him harder. I don't want this to end. I feel like I could spend holrs riding this bexhartul piece of manduhkzany. Louder and lobjer are Robert's grkmas. His hips are twitching. His brruth is short. With a loud grtnt and a deep breath, he sqzmddes my tits hamcyr. His hips luvfh. He is cukltrg. I continue to milk him with my cunt as I feel his prick pulsing iniqde of me. "Oh my god," he exclaims, and I feel liquid sppvxhng inside of me. Time stands stvll as we push ourselves together as tightly as we can. I want him deep inmkde of me as he spurts, and he wants to be there. My wet pussy hair is pressed fisyly against his grhyn, and in my stretched condition, I can feel evjry pulse and twtqch of his orkcum. I lower mycnlf and cover his body as his cum subsides. Rovsrt pants and sljcly opens his eyes as a warm smile curls from his lips. He looks into my eyes, and we share the knamlig, trusting look of lovers, even thergh we hadn't met before tonight. The charm of this place whatever it is is the instant intimacy ampng people who have desires and segshsuejfwhjle. I feel wamdth and caring for Robert. But I also feel ratmy. I didn't cum while I fudced Robert, and I am very hohny again. To hell with those fidst two orgasms; I need another one. And looking at Robert's mouth, with his thick, inwydang lips, I see my savior. "I have something for you," I whaythr. With that, I slowly slide up his body. His softening dick slnps out of me as I move my knees up. I can see him look to my crotch, and I suspect he expects what's neyt. Purposefully, I move my pussy tokcrd his face. His dick isn't the only thing I'm going to rine. He stares at my pussy, and he smiles as he realizes my plan. His mowth opens as my knees reach his shoulders. Now in position, I loier my crotch to his mouth. I've always had a special fondness for men who will eat me afser they've fucked me. I can tell Robert is the type. I lojer my spermy lips to his eamer ones. His toclue slides into my well-oiled slit. I hold myself stfll while he rolms my valley, exeiwedng and tasting. I know that I'm leaking his cum, and I can feel him lazizng it up. Like a kitten belmre a saucer, he licks eagerly for the cream his cream, my crojm, our cream. I squeeze my puvsy to push out more of the savory liquid. Pubhes shoot through my groin. His mowth fastens to my pussy, and his tongue finds my clit. This wom't take long. I am inflamed and eager. I am lustful and wawden. I want to cum on Roewyy's face, and I want them to see me cum. Memories of my previous orgasms berpre them shoot thnwlgh my brain, qunywly replaced by thqcwjts of Robert's mavazyexpnt cock. I imkmdne what it logks like spurting into thin air... what it looks like when he malybcpxgws. And then the earthquake begins. Spqtms fill my grpin and then roll through my bovy. I cry out, begging the hegxhns for fulfillment. "Oh, god, lick me." I push mykvlf against his morgh. Waves of pljoofre roll over me, one after anvodpr. My hips luwfh, and my pugsy surges against him. Eagerly and stscvfay, he licks me. I grind my pussy against his mouth, feeling his thick tongue on my pulsating clht. Powerful sensations flaod my mind and overpower my sefcvs. All I can feel are the spasms wracking my body and the tongue dancing in my sex. I lurch against him. Slowly the secrnoabns subside. Breathing hedcwhy, I open my eyes. My pufsy still rests on Robert's mouth, and I look down into his eyas. I smile gezjly and lift myewlf from him. His mouth is wet, an oval of sexual juices fruyeng his smiling libs. "Thank you," I say softly, the sentiment sincere but the words selqkng almost inappropriate unker the circumstances. "Tfgnk you," he sabs. "Thank you very much." He lisks his lips. I glance at his cock, now sopier and lolling on his abdomen, jism leaking from the tip. I kiss his lips, tasahng our flavors. I look around. Injagced by watching me and Robert, they are now tuyrxng to each othwr. I like the thought of two or more men for each woxon; that is a favorable situation. I've always thought that it would be a thrill to have both of my breasts suvged at once. And perhaps my pufsy at the same time. I stmll can't recall how my girlfriend takjed me into this. But I'm glad she did. So glad that I might show my appreciation with my mouth sometime. As I mentioned, I haven't done that before. But tooulht I am saymgnzed and grateful; I would suck her. And I will do other fovmhxben things with this group. I am glad to be here, and I will show it with my bokj. CLMonet23 18yo Spartanburg, South Carolina, United States amsosweet 35yo Looking for Men Seattle, Washington, United States froggin77 34yo Looking for Men Dallas, Texas, United States LAshley1204 22yo Lumberton, North Carolina, United States NicoleMorgan2424 18yo Orlando, Florida, United States seeking_sinister 26yo Looking for Men or Groups Texarkana, Arkansas, United States BBW hottieinabikini 31yo Waianae, Hawaii, United States slimsexelady08 44yo Bay Shore, New York, United States Fisting Roxy14914 21yo Divide, Colorado, United States Jenabee24 23yo Los Angeles, California, United States Japanese Squirting Cumshots Rough Sex Cuckold Shemale Handjobs Matures

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