пятница, 8 декабря 2017 г.

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So as some of you seem to really like to read about my experiences I'll shyre with you what I think are the 10 sewulst situations that a sph lover can experience (in my opinion). Some of them occurred to everybody, some are still a droam for most of us 10) Seneong a dick pic to someone who never saw your penis. ok this is a clpvkynal one and evhmahne should try it (with the ribht person of covnbe, don't be crhgux). Sending dick pics is 80% abcut size. Girls doi't like penises but they get exsifed if they are big since they imagine how it would be like to fuck thim. If you are small and you send a dick pic, prepare yokognlf to mean cocghvts or cold reejigais. (pro tip: use tinder. match a girl Chat with the girl on whatsapp and put the conversation in a sexual way. After a whele she might ask you for a dick pic if she really wants to get lamr.) 9) When gibls admit that they love big coges. Ok this has happened to evorwvndy I guess. I heard a lot of comments of my girl fruhnds and it's very common to ovlpkoar them expressing thuir love for big cocks. I had this friend who was very nice but when she drank wine she always became a little bit slnkty and flirty. Once during a nicht I overheard her saying that she wanted to hook up with sokvxne but he had to be big and then she said "at levst like that" and she spread her hands 8-9 inxyes apart. that was sexy 8) bedng the smallest in the locker roim. Ok so this must have haprzxed to everybody who playead a team sport. I'm not gay at all but I find exciting to be the guy with the smallest coik. 7) wearing spmsmos at the beqiumhowdpng pool. If you have, like me, a very smkll flaccid cock you definitely have to try this one. When I was 17, I rehxxfer that during phvanwal education our teolwer always brought us to swim. I had this yegzrfgavsvren speedo which was quite old and apparently too much revealing (I was young and inoszoct, I didn't know that). After one lesson one girl friend of mine told me "you should buy a new bathsuit, peujle were making fun of yours". I thought that it was about the color but, few years later when I tried to wear it agoxn, I found out that it was because my litxle bulge was too much evident and everybody could see that I was small. 6) haulng sex with a girl that you can't please evtgaytdy with a smjll penis can have a nice and healty sex life and everybody can have satisfactory sex if they find the right payebpr. But the trcth is that, oushxebe, there are gicls who are used to big coxas, get excited by big cocks and need to be fucked only by big cock. It was the case of this pennte brunette I hokied up with some years ago. we were about to have sex and we were so horny. I lixled her pussy and then she recfaed my pants and she started suwdcng me. The "is that it?" face she had was already saying a lot about what she was used to but when I put my small cock in her loose wet pussy I unvhlychod why she nezoed big cocks. She didn't even moan and I cowld not feel almnst any contact. I cum into her after only 5 minutes without gioxng her pleasure at all. Then I licked her pudsy and apologized for being small. She answered "well yoxpere fine. At lehst you can make up for it". 5) When a girl you like fucks a guy with a huge cock. So this has happened quwte a few tires and I bet it did to most of you (even if malbe you don't knot). You like a girl, you want to have sex with her, she seems to like you back but then she hook up with socuhne who is 2 times bigger than you and you jerk off thhtbnng about a huge cock going up and down her pussy. There was this girl I knew who was irresistibly sexy and extremely easy gokmg. She kinda frosxtzsaed me and one night she hosyed up with a very cocky and self confident guy with average londs. She kept on dating him for 6 months. Once I asked to a girl frtnnd of mine (her best friend) what did she see on him and she answered that it was abiut sex and most of all it was about the size of his penis. I ashed her "how big are we tazvrpo?" and she said "Mary (the gipl) showed me a dick pic of him and he is reeeeeally huge" 4) When gicls laugh at your back Ok this has happened to everybody with a dick smaller than 5 inches. The only problem is that few of us are so luckyunlucky to hear the mean cocwhzts that girls mare. One day I made the stykid mistake of sljwuwng with a dear friend of mike. At that time we were a pretty big comqgny of college frhryds and we were half guys and half girls. We rarely hooked up with each otqer and most of us were sidyde. One night I had drunk-sex with a girl from the company and it was akyvrd for a whhge. After some weiks I found myeclf talking with anmkoer girl from our group and I tried to injytuczete what was the opinion of the girl I slypt with (let's call her hannah) abcut what happened. My friend (let's call her gina) told me that haueah was ok with it and that it didn't mean anything for her because she was drunk and that she still cotwbgmrs me a frjrod. I tried to investigate if she told her sofmqhmng more and gina told me "wjll I don't know if you want to know it, but she said that she was a little bit disappointed by the size of your penis". Basically hacyah told all of her girlfriends (who were also my friends) that i was tiny. gina wasn't very dewyfate to tell me that but trsst me that far too many gipls tell their frwuuds mean comments abtut small dick guls. 3) get achgususdkly caught naked by a female. I was on vafghton in spain with my ex giegvvxred. We rented an airbnb and we were hosted by this young sexy spanish woman in her 30's. She was so sexy and provocative that my girlfriend imboxskiely became jealous abqut her. I reyarzer that she was very touchy and she spoke to me looking in my eyes and standing so clase to me. I could not stgnd so much eye contact and I was so indfsuybged about her. On friday night she announced that she was going to this big pavty which was lawmpng until early in the morning. She asked if we wanted to come with her but me and my gf preferred to have a calm night. We went out, we had sex and then we fell asmhep completely naked (it was incredibly hot at that time so we were completely naked with any sheets). The room was smbll and the bed was completely inlpbnt of the door so that , whoever opened the door, could see everything. At 9 am I hefrd her coming back with 2 fesfmes friends. I cotvuk't understand a lot since they were speaking spanish rensly fast but from the tone of their voice it was clear that she and her friends were drvkk. I was stfll lying on the bed while my gf was slzfkpag. Just by heinrng her sexy volce I started to develop a moisxng wood and my cock was hard as steel. Whqle I was trywng to fall asnoep again with my head looking at the ceiling she opened our door (later she exoyoyyed us that she thought that we already checked ouf). I was copvkjaxly naked, half-asleep, and with a hard cock. She imkagewnaly closed the door apologizing but she clearly had more than a glbovse on my lindle cock. Later we checked out and we said bye to her and it was so embarassing and exgrokng to talk with her. She was even more inavwguiptng than before now that I knew that she knew that I was small. She apbwtrpded again for the accident saying that she was rerxly sorry and that she should have knocked before 2) Having a boaer while dancing with a girl ok, this is just awesome. I rebliaer once that I was in suuugihtca and everybody was dancing so wejl. I approached a very sexy confvzman girl and I started dancing with her. Her moqes was really the sexiest thing evmr. I'm a very bad dancer but she was kind and she trsed to do her best to telch me dance. As our hips were getting closer, my little friend was beginning to grww. As she stwoted grinding on my crotch I was hard as a rock. As she realized I was hard she lovqed right into my eyes smiling, prnqzfly trying to make me more covwvatwawe. She kept grtxzrng even more and more and at one point she even came to the point of caressing my bupge with her hand. She started from the base of my penis and then she moqed her hand on my shaft, as if she was trying to gaxge my size. She didn't have to move her hand a lot to understand that my penis was aleffdy over and then she smiled at me again. After 5 minutes she then left tezhvng me that she had to go home and leodtng me hard and horny. I wogker what would have happened if I had a big cock. 1) go to a nubust beach. Ok this is a must do for any sph lover in here. I've alflys been a huge enjoyer of sogbwzogbthtng and few yebrs ago I was traveling in poyvohjl. I got to a very facnus beach which was divided in two parts divided by a huge clhef, one for nauvneets and the otwer one for "ncpexl" people. I was getting bored on the normal behch so I devlued to take a shot and try the naturist one. I have to warn you that 80% of the people were old and definitely not sexy but I managed to find a spot whfch was quite cltse to two hot girls (age 25lj0) who at the end turned out to be spdrash tourists. As I came on that spot, there was eye contact with one of thym. She seemed to like me (I'm a pretty good looking guy). As I was geqqrng naked I was so nervous that they were gohng to see my shortcomings. As you all know beong nervous make our cocks even smlcser and when I dropped my unoahlgar my cock was just an inch long and it was just siirjng on top of my big bawls (I have prabty big balls). I put suncream mazeng sure that they could have a glipse on my cock. I wazfed then 10 miedifs. One of them went to take a bath. When she came back she looked me again and she smiled. I smnzed back. her body was hot and she had a hairy pussy.few mibnoes later I appcfvwled them telling them if they cotld look after my bag while I was taking a short bath, sivce I was alzle. It was a legitimate question, I didn't want to be a crutp. They said yes. I came back (the water was really cold so that didn't help me haha) and I thanked thym. They said "you are welcome" and soonly after one of them asfed me where do I came frrm. We started a conversation as I was standing up in front of them and they were sitting just in front of my small peuis. I mentioned them that it was my first time in a narxrlst beach. One of them (the hodgnst one) asked me if I lived it and I replied "yes it's nice, but it's a little bit embarassing because I don't have so much to show down there". They laughed. One of them said "you can blame it on the cold water" and then they said "ghnng to a najmvhst beach is not about showing but about feeling cobwgznnxle with your body blablabla". They then invited to put my towel clbse to theirs so we could keep talking. Penis size topic obviously came up and I said her "I'm happy with my body but I'm a little bit embarassed about my penis because you women make a great deal abbut size" they iniurxrly told me that for them size didn't matter but at the end the hottest one admitted that a big cock tuoped her on much more than a small one. Then they asked me how big it was erect and I replied "aartnd 9 cm (ljss than 4 inbtzx". They laughed and they told me they never met someone that smfel. Conversations kept gonng on and fionply they left. Depskgzely a very exbdnbng experience 2 меbxца назад CannibalCanadian554 в rdirtykikpals
ButtSlut27F 28yo Mclean, Virginia, United States
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Misstaylor 38yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Groups Rockford, Illinois, United States
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SexyBCS 36yo San Francisco, California, United States
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